Does your company embody the highest standards in the industry?

ACMA accreditation demonstrates your commitment to industy excellence. Our review evaluates your adherence to key standards, offering objective assessment and recognition. Showcase your dedication to top-tier practices and stand out in the life sciences industry

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What is Organizational Accreditation?

A public recognition that a life sciences company has met our established: Qualifications, Education Requirements, and Specific Evaluation Criteria outlined in 14 Standards. The purpose of ACMA accreditation is to provide the highest standard of quality within a medical affairs organization and to encourage continued improvement.

Organization Accreditation showcases to the world that you meet these high standards and are amongst the best of the best. And, that you'll continue to commit to high standards to maintain your accreditation.

What Can Accreditation Do For My Organization?

Accreditation focuses both on the organization's structure as well as the medical affairs professionals that are employed by the organization. It helps:

Improve the quality of patient care, by reducing variation in medical affairs processes

Promote a culture of excellence across the medical affairs organization

Strengthen HCP and patient confidence in the quality of medical affairs, within an organization

Provide peace of mind in the event of an audit

Provide a framework for program structure and management

Create loyal, standardized, and cohesive companies

You should be evaluated based on the notion that your company has highly ethical, objective professionals whose primary focus is to:

Engage healthcare professionals (HCPs) through bi-directional scientific exchange, providing objective and unbiased scientific/medical information thereby helping to inform treatment decisions for their patients

Generate real-world evidence and in the post-marketing period, Phase IIIb/IV trial data

Provide sound, meaningful, relevant scientific insights and guidance to internal stakeholders

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Can I trust the ACMA for my Accreditation?

Absolutely, but don't take our word for it:

The ACMA is the first and only accrediting body in medical affairs.

The ACMA is accredited globally by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education & Training/American National Standards Institute (IACET/ANSI).

ACMA accreditation signifies the highest standards of excellence in a medical affairs organization.

How Can My Company Get Accreditation?

Below are the requirements necessary to be accredited by the ACMA at the organizational level. An organization is said to be accredited when it has met the following criteria:

Fully compliant with all 14 Standards ACMA outlines.

Successful annual attestation to uphold the standards herein.

Completing the re-accreditation process every 5 years for maintenance of accreditation status.

The ACMA reserves the right to withdraw accreditation status to an organization when a breach has taken place.

Book a meeting today to discuss accreditation
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Our 14 Standards

You Provide the Evidence, We Provide the Accreditation

Standard 1 : Medical Affairs Governance, Mission, and Vision

Standard 2 : Goals and Strategic Imperatives

Standard 3 : Internal Collaboration

Standard 4 : Ethics and Compliance

Standard 5 : Use of Digital Tools, Technology, and Databases

Standard 6 : External Scientific Communication Including Interactions with Healthcare Professionals

Standard 7 : Donations for Education and Research

Standard 8 : Materials for External Communication

Standard 9 : Publications

Standard 10 : Contracting Specialized Services

Standard 11 : Requirements and Qualifications

Standard 12 : Training

Standard 13 : Performance Outcomes

Standard 14 : Application and Reporting

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How it works…

Example Standard : Internal Collaboration

Example Evidence you'll provide:

Please submit the following:

3.1 Policies/SOPs outlining how medical affairs ensures appropriate collaboration and interactions with other functional areas (both within medical affairs and the company more broadly including R&D and commercial) while maintaining compliance standards. Demonstrate how the expectations for collaboration are outlined for leadership as well as in the field as well as the associated guardrails of these activities to ensure compliance.

Contact us to learn about ACMA's organizational accreditation