ACMA Predict™

Analyze your data by building models to predict future outcomes. Uncover risks and new opportunities within the life sciences.

individual learning

What is ACMA Predict™?

ACMA Predict™ is first of its kind within the life sciences industry aimed at making predictions about future outcomes based on historical data. With the help of statistical modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence tactics your organization can now use past and current data to reliably forecast trends and behaviors seconds, days, or years in the future.

Trusted by over 250+ pharma, biotech and healthcare organizations

  • cardinal
  • novartis
  • abbvie
  • gilead
  • gsk
  • novo+nordisk
  • pfizer
  • roche
  • sanofi
  • takeda
  • cardinal
  • novartis
  • abbvie
  • gilead
  • gsk
  • novo+nordisk
  • pfizer
  • roche
  • sanofi
  • takeda

Common uses for ACMA Predict™ but not limited to :

Optimizing marketing campaigns - to determine customer responses to marketing campaigns or purchase patterns.

Improving operations - to better manage inventory and other resources, or to set prices for services based on things like seasonality.

Fraud detection - to monitor activity and note or catch unusual or out of the ordinary customer activity, often in real-time.

Reduce risk - Merchants, such as car dealers, use more than just a credit score now to determine whether to approve a loan. They also look at things like insurance claims and driving records to determine if the buyer is a risk.

Retail - Probably the largest sector to use predictive analytics, retail is always looking to improve its sales position and forge better relations with customers. One of the most ubiquitous examples is Amazon's recommendations. When you make a purchase, it puts up a list of other similar items that other buyers purchased.

Contact us to learn about ACMA Predict